A Symposium on Educational Methods in Materials Science for Chinese Universities and Industries


A Symposium on Educational Methods in Materials Science

for Chinese Universities and Industries


1-4 Sep. 2009, Shenyang, China


Scope and Topics


In the period September 1st to 4th 2009 IMR in Shenyang will organise in conjunction with the Chinese Academies of Sciences a Symposium on Educational Methods in Materials Science. The objective of the symposium will be to outline some recent developments in the teaching of materials science in a number of other countries and to demonstrate how education and research in materials science can be related directly to the needs of vital industries such as power production, the steel indutry and the production of solar cell materials. Presentations will be made by a number of international experts and will include the following topics.


A) Computational materials science

B) E-learning and the development of distance education.

C) Teaching based on projects

D) Quantitative microstructural methods

E) A comparison of educational methods in China and the USA

F) A comparison of educational methods in China and France

G) A comparison of educational methods in China and the UK

H) Collaborative educational vehicles and research related to the steel industry

I ) Collaborations related to power production

J) Research and education on solar cell production

K) Materials selection and process selection related to engineering design


A half day of the Symposium will be related to a demonstration of the latest version of the Cambridge Material Selector system and throughout the symposium there will be periods for open discussion and direct interaction with the visiting experts. There will be a large poster session to enable the participating unioversities to show their current activities and to encourage dialogue and discussion.



Prof. Ke LU, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. D. Embury, McMaster University, Canada


Local contact: Mrs. Zhe Zhao

Email. zzhao@imr.ac.cn



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