The 2006 Lee Hsun Lecture Series-Research Award winner, Prof. E.M.Gutman from Dept. of Materials Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel was delivered a series lectures on Mechanochemical Interactions in Metals from 5 May- 16 July 2006 in IMR. During his stay in IMR, he had individual discussions with graduate students and scientists on electrochemical, corrosion and corrosion fatigue.
Prof. Gutman is a famous scientist on electrochemical and corrosion. He was a Vice-Director of Science & Head of Materials Science Laboratories, National Scientific Research Institute for Natural Gas Technology (VNIIGAZ), Moscow,before he immigrated to Israel. Recently he is working on Theoretical background of the definition of chemical potential of a solid in non-hydrostatic stress state. Influence of principal technological parameters of die casting of Mg-Al-Zn (AZ), Mg-Mn-Al (AM) and Mg-Al-Si (AS) alloys on the viscous-elastic behavior (stress relaxation, relaxation failure, creep), electrochemical behavior, stress corrosion and corrosion fatigue.