Prof. Gabriele Centi, from University of Messina, Italy awarded 2014 LEE HSUN Lecture Series—Lecture Award and visited Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR, CAS) from Sept. 15 to Sept.19, 2014.
After receiving the plaque of the LEE HSUN Lecture Seriesin the ceremony, Prof. Gabriele Centi gave a lecture entitled “Nano-engineering of materials and devices to produce solar fuels and to move towards the realization of artificial leaves”.
Prof. Gabriele Centi is a full professor of Industrial Chemistry, University of Messina, and the chair of the editorial board of ChemSusChem. He was the President European Research Institute of Catalysis (ERIC). His main research field is the application of heterogeneous catalysis, chemical reaction engineering and reaction mechanism. His present research interests embrace the development of industrial heterogeneous catalysis for applications in the field of innovative selective oxidation processes, environment protection and sustainable energy. In particular, activity is focused on the development of nanostructured catalytic materials, and their application in biomass conversion, solar fuels and cells, catalytic innovative processes. Prof. Gabriele Centi has honored many awards including Award from Federchimica for the Innovative Research on Environmental Catalysis in 1993, Eminevt Visitor Award from Catalysis Society of South Africa in 2007, 2009 SocieteChimique de France French-Italian Prize, UOP 2010 Lectureship and Award F. Durante on Nanotechnology.
Prof. Jian Zhang, Deputy Director of IMR, presented the plaque of LEE HSUN Lecture Series for Prof. Gabriele Centi (Image by IMR)
Prof. Gabriele Centi gave a lecture (Image by IMR)