Received by Prof. ZHANG Jian, Deputy Director of IMR, Mr. Raoul Fortner, the Deputy Secretary General of Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAI) and his colleagues visited the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMR, CAS) on Dec. 8th, 2014.
In the meeting, Mr. Raoul Fortner introduced the history of Austrian aeronautics industry, the advantages of their products and their main partners. Prof. YANG Ke, head of Specialized Materials and Devices Division briefed the research of high-strength steel and the achievement of the magnesium alloy applied in the aeronautics industry. With some interested subject, both sides exchanged their ideas and discussed about the future cooperation.
The visit was companied by Prof. Horst Schmidt-Bischoffshausen, the consultant of AAI, Ms. YU Xiao, Technology Officer of Austrian Consulate General Shanghai and Ms. SUN Yongqin, Chief Representative of Austrian Trade Representative Office Shenyang.
Mr. Raoul Fortner (the second from the left) and the group of AAI
The group photo