Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Tensile Property and Deformation Behavior of a Directionally Solidified Ni-base Superalloy Chu Z K, Yu J J, Sun X F, H.R, Guan H R, Hu Z Q MATERIALS SCIENCE and ENGINEERING A 2010 527 12 3010
Site Preference of Ru in NiAl and Valence Band Structure of NiAl Containing Ru: First-Principles Study and Photoelectron Spectrum Wei H, Liang J J, Sun B Z, Zheng Q, Sun X F, Peng P, Dargusch M S, Yao X PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS 2010 90 4 225
Metals Supported Water Monomers: the Bonding Nature Revisited Li J B,Zhu S L,Wang F H JOURNAL OF MATEIALS AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 26 2 97
Cyclic deformation behaviors of [579] Al single crystal Li P, Li S X, Wang Z G, Zhang Z F METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 2010 41 10 2532
Simulation of electromagnetic-flow fields in Mg melt under pulsed magnetic field Wang B, Yang Y S, Ma X P, Tong W H TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 2010 20 2 283
Structure and oil retaining capacity of gasar copper fabricated by radial solidification with a combined crystallizer Hao Du, Jianzhong Qi, Shuangqiang Du, Tianying Xiong, Tiefan Li, Soo Wohn Lee JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY 2010 210 6 1523
Hydrogen sorption kinetics of MgH2 catalyzed with titanium compounds Ma L P, Wang P, Cheng H M Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 35 7 3046
Tribological behavior of PEEK/PTFE composites reinforced with potassium titanate whiskers Xie GY,Zhuang GS,Sui GX, Yang R WEAR 2010 268 3 424
Memory Antibacterial Effect from Photoelectron Transfer between Nanoparticles and Visible Light Photocatalyst Li Q, Li Y W,Xie R C, Shang J K JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2010 20 6 1068
Effect of boron on the microstructure, mechanical properties and hydrogen performance in a modified A286 Zhao M J,Guo Z F, Liang H, Rong L J MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 21 5844
Structure and magnetic properties of Boron-oxideand Boron-nitride coated Iron nanocapsules Zhang W S,Zheng J G, Bruck E, Si P Z, Geng D Y and Zhang Z D JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2010 26 11 1051
Effect of metal grain size on microwave resonances of Fe/TiO2 metal-semiconductor composite Zhang Q, Li CF,Chen Y N, Han Z,Wang H, Wang Z J, Geng D Y, Liu W, and Zhang Z D APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2010 97 13 133115-1
Effects of electron-transfer chemical modification on the electrical characteristics of graphene Fan X Y, Nouchi R, Yin L C, Tanigaki K NANOTECHNOLOGY 2010 21 47 475208-1
Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes, their ropes and books Liu B L, Liu Q F, Ren W C, Li F, Liu C, Cheng H M COMPTES RENDUS PHYSIQUE 2010 11 5 349
Effects of carbon on hydrogen storage performances of hydrides Wu C Z, Cheng H M JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2010 20 26 5390
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