Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Investigation on the Transformation Behavior of Precipitates in a W-alloyed 10 wt pct Cr Steel for Ultra-supercritical Power Plants X. Q. Hu, N. M. Xiao, X. H. Luo, D. Z. Li J. MATER. SCI. TECHNOL. 2010 26 10 812
Influence of Applied Stress on the γ′ Directional Coarsening in a Single Crystal Superalloy Cheng K Y, Jo C Y, Jin T, Hu Z Q MATERIALS & DESIGN 2010 31 2 968
Studies of physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional hexagonal crystals by first-principles calculation Wang S Q JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN 2010 79 1 064602-1
Improved hydrogen storage properties of LiBH4 by mechanical milling with various carbon additives Fang Z Z, Kang X D, Wang P Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 2010 35 15 8247
Influence of HVOF thermal spray process on the microstructures and properties of Fe-based amorphous / nano metallic coatings Liu X Q, Zheng Y G, Chang X C, Hou W L, Wang J Q MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 2010 633 6 685
Magnetic domain structure and damping capacity of Fe-13Cr-2.5Mo alloy Hu X F,Li X Y,Zhang B,Rong L J,Li Y Y Materials Science and Engineering B 2010 171 1 40
TEM investigation of Er2O3 thin films grown on Si (100) by laser MBE. Zhu Y L , Wang X, He M, Lu H B, Ma X L, MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS 2010 6 16 1496
Experimental and modeling investigation of particle distribution in powder metallurgy processed SiCp/2024Al composites Z.Y. Liu, Q.Z. Wang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma, Y. Liu MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 21 5582
Crack propagation of single crystal beta-Sn during in-situ TEM straining Shang P J, Liu Z Q, Li D X, Shang J K JOURNAL OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY 2010 59 1 61
The linear thermal expansion of bulk nanocrystalline ingot iron from liquid nitrogen to 300 K Wang S G, Mei Y, Long K, Zhang Z D) NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS? 2010 5 1 48
Synthesis of PVP-coated uniform ultra-small Fe3O4 nanoparticles as a MRI contrast agent Zhang Y, Liu J Y, Ma S, Zhang Y J, Zhao X, Zhang X D, Zhang Z D JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE?? 2010 21 4 1205
Intrinsic electrocaloric effects in ferroelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymers: Roles of order of phase transition and stresses Li B, Ren W J, Wang X W, Meng H, Liu X G, Wang Z J, Zhang Z D APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 2010 96 10 102903-1
Fire and corrosion resistances of intumescent nano-coating containing nano-SiO2 in salt spray condition Z.Wang, E. Han, F.Liu, and W. Ke JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 26 1 75
Changes of Oxygen Content in Molten TiAl Alloys as a Function of Superheat during Vacuum Induction Melting Chen B, Ma Y C, Gao M and Liu K JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 26 10 900
Selective removal of metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes by combined in situ and post-synthesis oxidation Yu B, Hou P X, Li F, Liu B L, Liu C, Cheng H M CARBON 2010 48 10 2941
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