Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Ion-plated Al–Al2O3 films as diffusion barriers between NiCrAlY coating and orthorhombic-Ti2AlNb alloy Li HQ, Wang QM, Jiang SM, Gong J, Sun C CORROSION SCIENCE 2010 52 5 1668
Estimation of residual stress and its effects on the mechanical properties of detonation gun sprayed WC-Co coatings Wang TG, Zhao SS, Hua WG, Li JB, Gong J, Sun C MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 3 451
Structure of Porous Copper Fabricated by Unidirectional Solidification under Pressurized Hydrogen H. Du, J.Z. Qi, J.X. Wu, S.Q. Du, T.Y. Xiong Materials science and forum 2010 654 6 1030
Unexpected dehydrogenation behavior of LiBH4/Mg(BH4)2 mixture associated with the in situ formation of dual-cation borohydride Fang Z Z, Kang X D, Wang P, Li H W, Orimo S I J. Alloy Compd. 2010 491 1 1
Pit growth in a Ni-Nb metallic glass compared with its crystalline counterpart Wang Z M, Zhang J, Wang J Q INTERMETALLICS 2010 18 6 2077
14 Page(s) HP11121314