Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
The electrochemical corrosion mechanisms of pure Cr with NaCl deposit in water vapour at 600C Y. Tang, L2i Liu, Y. Li, F. Wang Journal of The Electrochemical Society 2011 158 8 237-241
Effect of small addition of Mn on the passivation of Zn in 0.1M NaCl solution Shang X L, Zhang B, Han E H, Ke W ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA 2011 56 3 1417-1425
Differential scanning calorimetry analysis on Cuprecipitation in a high Cu austenitic stainless steel Ren L, Zhu J M,Nan L,Yang K Materials & Design 2011 32 7 3980-3985
Delaying premature local necking of high-strength Cu: A potential way to enhance plasticity Liu H S, Zhang B, Zhang G P SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2011 64 1 13-16
Low-cycle fatigue cracking mechanisms of F.C.C. crystalline materials Zhang P, Qu S, Duan Q Q, Wu S D, Li S X, Wang Z G, Zhang Z F PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2011 91 2 237-257
Vibrational and NMR properties of polyynes Haque M M, Yin L C, Nugraha A R T, Saito R CARBON 2011 49 10 3340-3345
Magnetic and microwave absorption properties of carbon-coated Fe-Ni alloy nanocapsules Xie Z G, Geng D Y, Liu X G, Ma S,Zhang Z D JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY?? 2011 27 7 607-614
Effects of potassium titanate whiskers and carbon fibers on the tribological behavior of poly (ether ether ketone) composite under water lubricated condition Xie G Y, Sui G X,Yang R COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2011 71 6 828-835
AlNiYCo Amorphous Matrix Composites Induced by Bismuth and Lead Additions He J, Jiang H X, Zhao J Z, Norbert Mattern, Jürgen Eckert METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A 2011 42 5 4100-4105
Probing a Redox Behavior of TiO2/SBA-15 Supported VxOy Catalyst Using an Electron Beam in a 200 kV Transmission Electron Microscope Zhang W, Zhang B S, Wolfram T, Shao L D, Schl?gl R, Su D S Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2011 115 42 20550-20554
Effect of Potential on SCC Initiation for Pipeline Steel in Near-Neutral pH Solution Wang Z Y, Wang J Q, Han E H, Ke W ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 2011 239-242 5 2091-2095
High-Temperature Oxidation Behavior of a Ni-Cr- W-Al Alloy Ma Y C, Zhao X J, Gao M, and Liu K Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2011 27 9 841-845
High-temperature corrosion behavior of sputtered K38 nanocrystalline coatings with and without yttrium addition in molten sulfate at 900 degrees C Yu P, Wang W, Wang F H, Zhu S L SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY 2011 206 1 68-74
On the Microstructure of Heat-treated Austenitic Nickel-base Alloy Hao X C, Chen B, Ma Y C, Liu K, Advanced Materials Research 2011 284-286 8 1603-1609
Temperature-time duality exemplified by Ising magnets and quantum-chemical many electron theory Zhang Z D,March N H JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY 2011 49 7 1283-1290
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