Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
The formation of stacking fault tetrahedra in Al and Cu: II. SFT growth by successive absorption of vacancies generated by dipole annihilation Wang H, Xu D S, Yang R, Veyssière P ACTA MATERIALIA 2011 59 1 10-18
Size effects on tensile and fatigue behaviour of polycrystalline metal foils at the micrometer scale Dai C Y, Zhang G P, Yan C PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE 2011 91 6 932-945
TiO2 films with oriented anatase {001} facets and their photoelectrochemical behavior as CdS nanoparticle sensitized photoanodes Wang X W, Liu G, Wang L Z, Pan J, Lu G Q, Cheng H M JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2011 21 3 869-873
Microstructure and microhardness evolution of a Mg83Ni6Zn5Y6 alloy upon annealing X. H. Shao, Z. Q. Yang, J. Y. Hua, K. Q. Qiu, X. L. Ma J ALLOY COMPD 2011 509 7221-7228
Microstructure evolution of zinc oxide films derived from dip-coating sol–gel technique: formation of nanorods through orientation attachment Huang N, Sun C, Zhu MW, Zhang B, Gong J, Jiang X NANOTECHNOLOGY 2011 22 26 265612-
Intrinsic size effects in the mechanical response of taper-free nanopillars of metallic glass Chen C Q, Pei Y T, Alexii O, Hosson J T M De, Zhang Z F, Ma E PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011 83 180201-1-180201-3
GTAW liquid pool convections and the weld shape variations under helium gas shielding Dong W C,Lu S P, Li D Z, Li Y Y INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 2011 54 7-8 1420-1431
Relation between icosahedral short-range ordering and plastic deformation in Zr–Nb–Cu–Ni–Al bulk metallic glasses Z.W. Zhu, L. Gu, G.Q. Xie, W. Zhang, A. Inoue, H.F. Zhang, Z.Q. Hu Acta Mater. 2011 59 5 2814-2822
Research of short-flow-route processes for magnesium alloys prepared by crystalline magnesium Li W H, Yang Y S, Tian C W, Tang S Q, Zhou J X, Jiang L K Materials Science Forum 2011 686 6 1-5
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy cast by metal mould and lost foam casting Li J L, Chen R S, Ke W TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 2011 21 4 761-766
Exceptional As(III) Sorption Capacity by Highly Porous Magnesium Oxide Nanoflakes Made from Hydrothermal Synthesis Liu Y, Li Q, Gao S A, J.K.Shang JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2011 94 1 217-223
Cyclic oxidation behavior of glass-ceramic composite coatings on superalloy K38G at 1100 degrees C Shen M L, Zhu S L, Wang F H THIN SOLID FILMS 2011 519 15 4884-4888
Interface structure and mechanical properties of Ti(C,N)-based cermet and 17-4PH stainless steel joint brazed with nickel-base filler metal BNi-2 F.Z. Wang, Q.Z. Wang, B.H. Yu, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Ma J Mater Process Technol 2011 211 11 1804-1809
Microstructure evolution and elemental diffusion of SiCp/Al-Cu-Mg composites prepared from elemental powder during hot pressing Q. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Z.Y. Liu. Z.Y. Ma J Mater Sci 2011 46 21 6783-6793
Corrosion Behavior of Zr53.5Cu26.5Ni5Al12Ag3 Bulk Amorphous Alloy in 3.5% NaCl Solution Li Y, Shang S Z, Cheng M, Xu L, Zhang S H ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 2011 299-300 5 427-431
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