Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Hydrothermal Oxidation Behavior of Bulk Titanium Aluminum Carbide Zhang H B,Presser V, Nickel K G, Berthold C, Zhou Y C JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2011 94 10 3460-3466
Improved visible light absorption of HTaWO6 induced by nitrogen doping: An experimental and theoretical study Sun C H, Mukherji A, Liu G, Wang L Z, Smith S C CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 2011 501 4-6 427-430
Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes grown on graphene paper as electrodes in liithium-ion batteries and dye-sensitized solar cells Li S S, Luo Y H, Lv W, Yu W J, Wu S D, Hou P X, Yang Q H, Meng Q B, Liu C, Cheng H M ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 2011 1 4 486-490
An Application of Surface Nanocrystallization on AISI 52100 Steel Roll Lao YX, Kong LY, Cui XY, Tao YS, Li TP, Xiong TY. 《先进材料》(俄文版) 2011 13 139-143
Magnetic and electrical properties of MnTe1-xSbx compounds He X, Zhang Y Q, Zhang Z D JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY?? 2011 27 1 64-68
The formation of stacking fault tetrahedra in Al and Cu: III. Growth by expanding ledges Wang H, Xu D S, Yang R, Veyssière P ACTA MATERIALIA 2011 59 1 19-29
Modeling of the Precipitation Kinetics During Aging a Predeformed Fe-Cu Alloy Zhao J Z, Wang Q L, Li H L, He J METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A 2011 42 5 3200-3207
Fermi level dependent optical transition energy in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes Yin L C, Cheng H M, Saito R, Dresselhaus M S CARBON 2011 49 14 4774-4780
Influence of Cr addition on microstructure of a 5%Re-containing single crystal nickel-based superalloy Tan X P, Liu J L, Jin T, Sun X F, Hu Z Q. TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 2011 21 5 1004-1008
Preparation, microstructure and deformation behavior of Zr-based metallic glassporous SiC interpenetrating phase composites Y.L. Chen, A.M. Wang, H.M. Fu, Z.W. Zhu, H.F. Zhang, Z.Q. Hu, L. Wang, H.W. Cheng Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2011 530 5 15-20
Numerical modeling of crystal growth of a nickel-based superalloy with applied direct current Feng X H, Yang Y S JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH 2011 334 1 170-176
Promotion of hydrogen release from ammonia borane with magnesium nitride Luo J H, Kang X D, Fang Z Z, Wang P Dalton Transactions 2011 40 5 6469-6474
Effects of Bi segregation on the tensile properties of Cu/Cu3Sn(100) interface Pang X Y, Liu Z Q, Wang S Q, Shang J K MICROELECTRONICS RELIABILITY 2011 51 12 2330-2335
The effect of carbonyl, carboxyl and hydroxyl groups on the capacitance of carbon nanotubes Li L X, Li F 新型炭材料 2011 26 3 224-228
Influence of Phase Content on Hot Deformation Behavior of Ni-based Superalloy IN718 Zhang H Y, Zhang S H, Cheng M ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH 2011 314-316 5 1159-1162
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