Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Modeling of macrosegregation in steel ingot:influence of mold shape and melt superheat Liu D R,Kang X H,Fu P X, Li D Z KOVOVE MATERIALS 2011 49 2 143-153
Enhanced very high cycle fatigue performance of extruded Mg-12Gd-3Y-0.5Zr magnesium alloy Yang F, Lv F, Yang X M, Yin S M, Li S X, Zhang Z F, Wang Q D MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A 2011 A528 6 2231-2238
Effect of Nitrogen on Microstructure and Properties of a Cast Cobait-Base Superalloy Chao Yuan, Jianting Guo, Lanzhang Zhou Advanced Materias Research 2011 5 5 472-478
Bonding interface zone of Mg-Gd-Y,Mg-Zn-Gd laminated composite fabricated by equal channel angular extrusion Wu D,Chen RS, Han EH Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2010 20 2 613
Theoretical elastic stiffness, structural stability and thermal conductivity of La2T2O7 (T = Ge, Ti, Sn, Zr, Hf) pyrochlore Liu B, Wang J Y, Li F Z, Zhou Y C ACTA MATERIALIA 2010 58 13 4369
Grain size dependence of tensile properties in ultrafine-grained Cu with nanoscale twins Chen X H,Lu L,Lu K Script Materialia 2010 64 4 311
The influence of phosphorus on the microstructure and stress-rupture properties in a low thermal expansion superalloy Yu L X, Sun Y R, Sun W R, Sun X F, Guo S R, Hu Z Q MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2010 527 4 911
Interfacial diffusion in Cu with a gradient nanostructured surface layer Z.B. Wang, K. Lu, G. Wilde and S.V. Divinski ACTA MATERIALIA 2010 58 6 2376
Relationship among fatigue life,inclusion size and hydrogen concentration for high-strength steel in the VHCF regime Yang Z G, Li S X, Li Y D, Liu Y B, Hui W J, Weng Y Q MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 3 559
Application of EBSD to the study on orientation distribution of intermetallic compounds at heterogeneous interfaces (Sn/Ag and Sn/Cu) Zou H F, Zhang Z F JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2010 108 6 103518-1
Formation mechanisms of cyclic saturation dislocation patterns in [0 0 1], [0 1 1] and [111] copper single crystals Li P, Li S X, Wang Z G, Zhang Z F ACTA MATERIALIA 2010 58 9 3281
On strain-localized damage in nanoscale Cu-Ta multilayers on a flexible substrate Zhu X F, Li Y P, Zhang G P, Zhu S J MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 13 3279
Preparation of TiAl3-Al Composite Coating by Cold Spray and Its High Temperature Oxidation Behavior L.Y.Kong, L. Shen, B. Lu, R. Yang, X.Y. Cui, T.F. Li, T.Y. Xiong Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 2010 19 5 1206
Microstructure and corrosion performance of a cold sprayed aluminium coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy Yongshan Tao , Tianying Xiong, Chao Sun , Lingyan Kong , Xinyu Cui , Tiefan Li , Guang-Ling Song CORROSION SCIENCE 2010 52 10 3191
Vibration effects on the structural stability of Al-Ti intermetallics by first-principles calculation Zhang H, Wang S Q JOURNAL MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2010 26 12 1071
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