Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Au603 and Au675 cluster structures with (100) facets supported on MgO(010)surfaces Zhang L, Wang S Q JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY 2010 10 8 7820
Microstructure and mechanical properties of melt-conditioned high-pressure die-cast Mg-Al-Ca alloy Liang Songmao, Zhang H W, Xia M X, Chen R S, Han E H,Fan Z Y Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 2010 20 1 1205
Crystal Structure and Theoretical Elastic Property of a New Ternary Ceramic HfAl4C4 Nian H Q, He L F, Li F Z, Wang J T, Zhou Y C JOURNAL OF AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 2010 93 4 1164
Enhanced chromizing kinetics of tool steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment S.D. Lu, Z.B. Wang and K. Lu Material Science and Engineering A 2010 527 6 995
The characteristics of granular-bright facet in hydrogen pre-charged and uncharged high strength steels in the very high cycle fatigue regime Li Y D, Chen S M, Liu Y B, Yang Z G, Li S X, Hui W J, Weng Y Q JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 2010 45 1 831
Quantitative analysis on tensile fracture morphologies of bulk metallic glass Qu R T, Stoica M, Eckert J, Zhang Z F JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 2010 108 6 063509-1
Microstructures and compressive properties of multicomponent AlCoCrFeNiMox alloys Zhu J M, Fu H M, Zhang H F, Wang A M, Li H, Hu Z Q MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERing A 2010 527 6 6975
Toward Understanding Size-Dependent Plasticity of Nanolayered Metallic Composites Zhang G P, Li Y P, Zhu X F MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 2010 633 6 637
On plasticity and fracture of nano structured Cu/X (X = Au, Cr) multilayers: The effects of length scale and interface/boundary Li Y P, Zhang G P ACTA MATERIALIA 2010 58 11 3877
Effects of trace element and purification on properties of AZ80 magnesium alloy Li Y J, Luo T J, Yang Y S TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 2010 20 2 407
A novel ultrafine-grained Ni3Al with increased cyclic oxidation resistance X.Peng,M.Li,F.Wang Corrosion Science 2011 53 5 1616-1620
Effect of the small reaustenized grains on the mechanical properties of a HSLA steel Zhao L Y, Yan W, Shan Y Y, Yang K JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL 2011 18 1 312-315
Magnetic anisotropy and metal-insulater transition in SrRuO3 thin films at different growth temperature Wang X W, Wang X, Zhang Y Q, Zhu Y L, Wang Z J and Zhang Z D J. Appl. Phys. 2010 107 11 113925-1
The electrochemical corrosion of bulk nanocrystalline ingot iron in HCl solutions with different concentrations Wang SG, Sun M, Cheng P C, Long K Materials Chemistry and Physics 2011 127 3 459-464
Temperature behavior of exchange couplings in Co/Si(or Ge)/Fe trilayers Liu X H, Liu W,Guo S,Lv X K, Gong W J, Zhang Z D PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER?? 2011 406 10 1969-1972
14 Page(s) HP678910NT