Title Authors Title of Journal Year Volume Number Page
Effect of surface coating on antibacterial behavior of magnesium based metals Ren L, Lin X, Tan L L,Yang K Materials Letters 2011 65 23-24 3509-3611
The electrochemical corrosion behavior of K38G nanocrystalline thin film in 3.5% NaCl solution C. Pan, Li Liu, Y. Li, F. Wang Thin Solid Films 2011 519 15 4781-4787
Influence of Ti/TiN bilayered and multilayered films on the axial fatigue performance of Ti46Al8Nb alloy Zhou Y, Rao G B, Wang J Q, Zhang B, Yu Z M, Ke W, Han E H THIN SOLID FILMS 2011 519 7 2207-2212
Structural and microstructural analyses of crystalline Er2O3 high-k films grown on Si (001) by laser molecular beam epitaxy Wang X, Zhu YL, He M, Lu HB, Ma XL. ACTA MATERIALIA 2011 59 5 1644-1650
Competition between interfacial and interlayer exchange coupling in Co/Cr2O3/Fe trilayers Liu X H,Liu W,Guo S,Lv X K,Gong W J,Zhang Z D JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS?? 2011 509 5 1448-1451
Enhancement of strength and stability of nanostructured Ni by small amounts of solutes Zhang H W,Lu K, Pippan R, Huang X, Hansen N Scripta Materialia 2011 65 6 481-484
In situ Al3Ti and Al2O3 nanoparticles reinforced Al composites produced by friction stir processing in an Al-TiO2 system Q. Zhang, B.L. Xiao, Q.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Ma Mater Lett 2011 65 13 2070-2072
Measurements of γ/γ' lattice misfit and γ' volume fraction for a Ru-containing Nickel-based single crystal superalloy Tan X P, Liu J L, Song X P, Jin T, Sun X F, Hu Z Q JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2011 27 10 899-905
A sandwich structure of graphene and nickel oxide with excellent supercapacitive performance Lv W, Sun F, Tang D M, Fang H T, Liu C, Yang Q H, Cheng H M JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY 2011 21 25 9014-9019
Microstructure and Elevated Temperature Tensile Behavior of Directionally Solidified Ni-rich NiAl-Mo(Hf)Alloy Ping Han, Yihui Q,Jianting Guo Journal of Materials science and Techaology 2011 27 5 437-442
Grain size dependence of tensile properties in ultrafine-grained Cu with nanoscale twins Chen X H, Lu L, Lu K SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2011 64 4 311-314
Formation of fivefold deformation twins in an ultrafine-grained copper alloy processed by high-pressure torsion An X H, Lin Q Y, Wu S D, Zhang Z F, Figueiredo R B, Gao N, Langdon T G SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 2011 64 3 249-252
In-situ observations on the creep-fatigue behaviors of Sn4Ag/Cu solder joints Zhang Q K, Zhang Z F ACTA MATERIALIA 2011 59 15 6017-6028
Corrosion protection of aluminium alloy 2024-T3 in 0.05 M NaCl by cerium cinnamate Hongwei Shi, En-Hou Han, Fuchun Liu Corrosion Science 2011 53 5 2374-2384
Strain-driven onset of nontrivial topological insulating states in Zintl Sr2X compounds (X = Pb, Sn) Sun Y,Chen X Q,Franchini C,Li D Z,Yunoki S,Li Y Y,Fang Z PHYSICAL REVIEW B 2011 84 16 165127-1-165127-5
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